Algae toxicity test:
At Monjour, we are committed to respecting sea algae, which is why we have developed the stick with non -toxic assets for the marine ecosystem. To confirm this lack of harmfulness, a test was carried out according to a standard called ISO 10253: 2016*. *ISO 10253: 2016: Water quality - Inhibition trial of seaweed algae from Skeletonema sp. and phaeodactylum tricornutum.
How was the test done?
Phaeodactylum tricornutum seaweed, cultivated in growth conditions identical to their traditional environment, have been exposed to a concentration of solar stick equivalent to that applied regularly to the skin for 72 hours. The toxic potential is determined by assessing the inhibition of algae growth.
What are the test results?
No impact on algae growth after 72 hours could be observed, confirming the lack of toxicity of the stick for seaweed.
Packaging and recycling:
The stick is made from 100% recyclable plastics: • PP (propylene) • PET (Polyethylene Téréphtaplate) • PETG (Polyyhtylene Téréphtalate Glycolized) End of life of the SOLAIRE SCRECT: The empty container of the SPF50 Solar Stick must be thrown in the Yellow bins or trash what becomes of the packaging of the solar stick my day after throwing it? The stick is completely recycled to give life to new packaging (and that several times).