All about solar protections!
SPF: UVB protection
My day helps you understand your solar creams: What is the SPF? How does a sunscreen protect from the sun?
You surely choose your creams according to their SPF and you know that the greater the SPF and the more it protects from the sun ... But what does it really mean?
The protection index found on solar screens is called SPF (Sun Protection Factor). This index, ranging from 1 to 100%, measures the capacity of the product to create a barrier to UVB (and only to UVB!).
When UVB rays arrive on your skin, part of them are retained by the solar filters contained in the creams, and the other part penetrates directly into the skin.
The SPF is directly connected to this UVB retention capacity: the larger the SPF index, the more the cream retains a large percentage of UVB rays arriving on our skin, preventing them from penetrating in depth!
The table below determines the level of protection according to the SPF (1, 2):
*Mineral filters leave white traces on the surface of the skin, which is not appreciated by consumers. Thus, they are often found in the form of nanoparticles (nano) limiting this white effect.
Health consequences
Organic filters are considered to be endocrine disruptors, they can cause skin allergic reactions and lesions in cells. Mineral filters in the form of nanoparticles (nano) are less harmful but remain at the origin of damage in the body.
Environmental consequences
Organic filters are responsible for malformations & changes in marine organizations. Particularly harmful to corals, they cause their money laundering and their death. Mineral filters (nano) are less toxic but can cause coral whitening.
New generation organic filters
At Monjour, we did not want to use organic filters or use mineral filters in the form of nanoparticles. We have chosen a new type of solar filters more respectful of the environment and health: new generation organic filters.
The Solar & The Solar Stick Monjour effectively protect children, parents and women pregnant with the harmful effects of the sun. With their SPF50 and 50+, solar products have the highest protections against existing UVA & UVB.
My day protects young and old from the harmful effects of the sun
THE solar stick & THE solar spray My day effectively protect children, parents and pregnant women from the harmful effects of the sun. With their SPF50 and 50+, solar products have the highest protection against existing UVA & UVB.
The Monjour team
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