Anticipate the time change in children
Why is the anticipation of the time change in children so important?
Each year, the passage to summer time or winter time can be a challenge for parents with young children. The time change can disrupt the sleeping and mood of children, which can make the following days difficult for the whole family. Fortunately, there are simple strategies to help children anticipate the time change and minimize their impact on their routine.
Here are some tips to help children anticipate the time change:
Plan in advance
To help your child adapt to the time change is to plan in advance. If possible, start adjust your child's sleep routine a few days before the time change. Move the bedtime and alarm clock from 10 to 15 minutes every day until your child reaches the desired time!
Use natural light
Light is an important regulator for your child's biological clock. Try to expose your child to natural light in the morning and avoid artificial light in the evening. During the days preceding the time change, try to bring your child outside as soon as possible, so that it is exposed to daylight. This will help synchronize your child's biological clock with the new schedule!
Hold a regular routine
Maintaining a regular routine is essential to help your child adapt to the time change. Try to keep meals, playing times and your child's activities at the same time every day, so that their bodies get used to a regular rate!
Take care of the sleep environment
A comfortable and soothing environment can help your child sleep better, even during transition periods. Make sure your child's room is dark, quiet and at a comfortable temperature. Try to limit stimuli, like screens, before bedtime, and encourage your child to relax with a calm activity, such as reading a book or listening to sweet music!
Stay patient!
It is important to remember that children need time to adapt to the time change. Be patient and understanding if your child has difficulty falling asleep or waking up in the morning. If possible, try to maintain a regular schedule for your child even during transition days, so that he has a feeling of stability and safety!
Anticipation of time change in children can be a challenge for parents, but planning in advance, using natural light, maintaining a regular routine, taking care of the sleep environment and remaining patient , you can help your child easily adapt to the new schedule. With these simple strategies, you can make the transition less stressful for the whole family, and enjoy.
The Monjour team
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