5 tips to help baby make his nights
As parents we know more than anyone the importance of having a good sleep cycle.
Aline, sleep specialist in children, shares 5 tips today to help your baby make beautiful sleep nights!
Advice n ° 1: Sleep early
By sleeping early your child you avoid sleeping it too tired.
When you lay your child with too much fatigue you can confront long sleeping, night awakenings or very morning alarm clocks.
The more you lay your tired child, the more the night can be agitated!
Tip n ° 2: Always sleep your child in the same place
Whether he sleeps in your room, in a room shared with his brothers and sisters or in a single room, it is important for your child that he always finds his habits at bedtime.
Whether tonight for naps or evening sunset. It will allow him to feel safe and tame the environment in which he finds himself for the whole night!
Tip n ° 3: Create a bedtime routine
Thanks to the predictability, rehearsal and routines, the child feels safe and knows when we are going to put him in bed to fall asleep more peacefully.
Here are the different keys to this routine:
Make the same thing every night in the same order
Integrate the bath if you wish to mark the transition between day and night and it also helps the body to relax. You can also integrate our natural care products like cleaning water, THE washing gel and the Moisturizing cream !
Install a moment to fill the nutritional tank thanks to a feeding or a bottle or a small pot if your child is diversified in the evening. It is important that he can lie down with his stomach filled to sleep better
Fill up on the emotional tank before going to bed through hugs, small words but also thanks to a quality moment of 10 minutes for example and to be 300% with your child through games or discussion.
Advice n ° 4: sleep your awake child in his bed
We all need at any time of the night to be able to go back to sleep as we fell asleep. If your child was asleep with an arm or a bottle when he woke up in the middle of the night he will feel completely lost even in insecurity and will wake up and potentially have more trouble going back to sleep.
If it is accompanied towards an autonomous falling asleep, the child creates his own falling asleep habits, he will be self-paid and thus chain the sleep cycles without difficulty.
Advice n ° 5: wait a few minutes before intervening at night
Between two sleep cycles it is common for children/babies to make microphones alarm clock.
These are moments when the baby can cry, get fucked and maybe even call you and in a few seconds he can often go back to sleep.
If you intervene too quickly during your alarm clock microphones you can get it out of this sleep phase.
For more information on the child's sleep, we invite you to make an appointment with an expert on www.leonroupillon.com
Team Monjour
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